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Didaktička farma - Vrijednost dobre hrane, od sjemena do tanjura

Cilj je osvijestiti djecu, mlade i lokalnu zajednicu o vrijednostima i trudu uloženom u proizvodnju zdravog prehrambenog proizvoda poštujući tradicijske vrijednosti i održivost u razvoju, pomoću metode učenja kroz rad.

Stvaranje jedinstvenog turističkog proizvoda kroz umrežavanje i edukacije

Cilj projekta je podizanje kvalitete i konkurentnosti cjelokupne turističke ponude vodnjanštine kroz umrežavanje i edukaciju svih civilno-društvenih aktera koji sudjeluju u razvoju održivog turizma i stvaranju jedinstvenog turističkog proizvoda grada Vodnjana.



Developing Innovative Network of Associations to Motivate Initiatives and Cooperation – DINAMIC – is a project which accepted 10 volunteers from Spain, Italy and France in Semptember and October of 2015, and is backed by the ''Erasmus+'' project of the European Union.

DINAMIC EVS is a project which aims to show the youth how to use the opportunities given by the european programs for development and wellbeing to selected communities by encouraging them to take an active role in that development.

The project is being carried out in three organisations which work together and bring experience and knowledge to each other: Informo Associaiton, Pou-Upa Vodnjan Dignano and the ''Istrian – ecomusem de Dignan'' association

Ten volunteers work in these three organisations, but at the same time they also work on different activities between these three organisations, while helping the local development.

Volunteers in the Ecomusem work on the preservation of traditional customs, arts and crafts and ecological sustainability in agriculture and ecotourism.

Didactic Farm

''Didactic farm – The Value of Good Food, from Seed to Plate''


The project ''Didactic farm – The Value of Good Food, from Seed to Plate'' was created with the goal of raising awareness primary among children and youth, but also among the local community in general, about the values and hard work put in producing a healthy food product while respecting the traditional values by studying through work. By transferring knowledge to all target groups of the project, associations, youth and local producers, basic requirements are made to preserve traditional values, develop natural resources and keeping people in a local rural envirovment. The project is being undertaken in a partnership with the Informo association from Vodnjan, the Agroturist Vodnjan-Dignano association and the Vodnjan-Dignano elementary school with backing from the city of Vodnjan.


A part of the projects are different activities revolving around three main foundations:

  • The last two traditionally bred donkeys are being raised around the schoolyard and in the ''stala''(tu gre slika dice s tovaron)
  • In cooperation with agronomers we prepared a project for growing and maintaining a garden in a school evirovment with emphasis put on ecological production.
  • In cooperation with the students and teachers, activities are held in the Ecomusem to show and bring closer the rural evirovment in which they live.
  • ( slika sa dicon kako delaju na farmi)

In collaboration with the teachers we came up with the planned results we plan on reaching and we will together come up with a planned curriculum. We suggested an interactive approach in which outside partners will be involved, such as farmers, teachers and students.


To bring awareness to students about a healthy diet, we will encourage them to plant their own vegetables and fruits and nurture the garden with help and surveillance from members of the association and its partners. Those products will then be able to be found in the school cafeteria as a part of the students' daily meal. In this way the students will be involved in the growth of plants from seed to plate, and through different workshops in the school kitchen, they will be able to prepare the healthy food that they've frown themselves.


Local agricultural producers will be involved in the project as partners who will take part in educating the students of the elementary school through various agricultural educations.

 (slika sadnice ili sadnice i dice)



Influence on children

By fixing and equiping the farm, the growth of the modern individual by studying through work is being promoted, the Project encourages new generations to maintain a balanced diet by discovering local products and its importance on our health. It encourages the consumation of products whose background is known.


Educationalists and other school workers take part in planning a program of student education coordinated with the already present educational school program.


Parents, family and the local community are involved in the process of transferring knowledge to new generations, as well as the preservation of local tradition and local customs. New dietary habits and self-sustainability of vegetables and other plants are being encouraged. They will learn how to value the waste they made at home or in their garden through recycling and composting.


The civilian community of the city of Vodnjan and the volunteers, with their contribution, raised and maintain the farm, transfer knowledge and learn, while having a long-term effect on the quality of the locals' life


End users


Cultural and rural tourism is the strategical goal of the City. A tour of the farm diversifies the offer of rural and cultural tourism. Tourists will learn about the historical role of donkeys in Vodnjan and other related details about the culture of Vodnjan, mainly olive growing and production. In the overall work of the Ecomusem, agriculture, culture and tourism form together an unstoppable synergy.

Agricultural experts and students can use the farm as a place for educating children with field class, the education of producers and citizens, mutual exchange of information and conducting mini experiments. With the aforementioned they influence the development of agriculture and raising of production, the cities' goal of strategic development.


What we've acomplished until now


As a part of the project's activities until today, the ''stala'' has ben reconstructed and now houses 3 donkeys, the garden has been ploughed and in collaboration with the school's workers, the educational program has been implemented in the school curiculum.

Students of the Vodnjan-Dignano elementary school had a chance to participate in different workshops and educations adapted to their age.


Our donkey family got a new member on 24.04.2016., which cheered up the children who enjoyed their company on a daily basis.

(slika maleg tovara)

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